5-6 potatoes (I use big Yukon potatoes)
4 legs of chicken
Salt and pepper (or Cajun seasoning, which contains salt, pepper, red pepper, paprika, chill pepper, garlic and so on.)
1/2 cup of lemon juice
Olive oil
*Optional: Some herbs such as theme or oregano
Preheat the oven to F degrees.
Cut potatoes 1/4-inch wide wedges and season with salt and pepper (or Cajun seasoning). Put them on a baking pan and sprinkle lemon juice olive oil.
Season the chicken legs with salt and pepper (or Cajun seasoning). Set them on the baking pan and sprinkle olive oil, ¼ cup of the lemon juice and herbs.
Cook in the preheat oven for about 30 minutes. Sprinkle the rest of the lemon juice. Cook, again, for about 20-30 minutes until chicken legs are well done and potatoes are soft.
My husband adds a lot of olive oil when he serves.
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